Here's a quick summary of how to use a FTDI data cable to connect to a Seagate Dockstar.
Making the Connector
- Cut the cable of the Xbox power connector in half.
- You're interested in the 3 pins at the top left (looking from behind), so seperate these and strip them.
- Snap a strip of male header pins so that you have 5 pins. Remove pins #2 and #3
- Solder the top left-most pin (GND) to header pin #1
- Solder the top next pin (TX) to pin #5
- Solder the top third pin (RX) to pin #4
- Plug pin #1 of the header pins into the socket to connect to the black cable of the USB-serial cable
(this will mean that pin #4 goes to the orange, and #5 to yellow)
- Open your dockstar and plug the xbox connector onto the header pins (if you orientate your dockstar so the header pins are at
the top, the xbox top-left wire connects to the dockstar top-left pin)
- Plug in your USB-serial cable to your PC
- Open putty and use the following connection settings: -
Serial line: COM5 (or whatever COM port the USB-serial adapter has)
Speed: 115200
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: none
Flow control: none
- Click "Open" in putty
- Power up the Dockstar
- Watch the putty window - the boot-up messages should appear.
Good article. Thank you.